Over half (50%) of all Americans develop hemroids at least once in his life. While hemroids are usually not life threatening, they can be quite annoying with the symptoms of pain, burning and itching that can drive a person mad. This article describes different ways you can try the treatment and cure for hemroids.
Hemroids, also piles or "heaps" are painful bulge inside or outside the rectum and throughweakened blood vessels in and around the anus, to enlarge and can eventually break out and stand out can lead to serious problems. The pressure on the rectum, such as excessive straining during bowel movements, which are heavy lifting, pregnancy, and sitting long assumed that the main causes of the development of hemroids. You can progress in size from small and simply annoying, very large, painful mass, the difficulties Cause when walking, sitting, and can lead toIntestinal obstruction. Outbreak of a hemroid is a serious medical condition that may in significant blood loss and severe infection if not treated immediately. Fortunately, there are several options available to cure hemroids.
The first option for most people, including doctors recommend is the use of over the counter medications. These drugs are currently either by rectal suppository or cream or ointment that can be inserted rectally with an attached patchApplicator. The most common type of medication is used, and is either an anti-inflammatory steroid such as hydrocortisone or shark liver oil to be "is said of the, to shrink tissue and relieve inflammation. Hemroid Many OTC products is also a "Caine" type contain local pain, such as dibucaine immediate but temporary relief will bring the pain. While the use of topical OTC products is usually the first option, it is often only for low hemroids.
Manypeople suffering with hemroids cure found by herbal remedies. As hemroid by weakened blood vessels in and around the rectum, is caused most of the herbal therapy, is available to strengthen the blood vessels and reducing inflammation. Herbs such as blueberries and horse chestnut extract can be taken orally, to strengthen blood vessels. To relieve the inflammation, compresses or baths sitting with aloe vera and witch hazel are often recommended. People who are proponents of herbal therapyadmit that may attempt to cure by this method take several weeks or months and recommend additional changes in lifestyle, such as increasing fiber in the diet and reducing the time spent sitting.
An operation should only be a last resort for most conditions, including hemroids. Hemroid removal by surgery can be performed by different methods. "Ligature" encompasses a tight rubber band is placed around the base of the hemroid to cut off the blood supply. Laser or electric --"Coagulation" means the creation of scar tissue at the base of the hemroid the cuts again, the blood supply. Hemorrhoids is the actual surgical excision of the hemorrhoids. All surgical procedures are effective immediately, but very painful and expensive. In addition, if lifestyle changes are not implemented, can be repeated, hemroids.
In summary hemroids, hemorrhoids, or piles, ranging from annoying seriously. The treatment options vary widely in effectiveness andLongevity, but the best options seem to be applying topical over-the-counter medicines, herbs, and several types of operations.
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