Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to Shrink Hemorrhoids Naturally and Effectively

A hemorrhoids is a vein that has expanded with blood. It is a common disease when blood and swollen veins around the anus, rectal tunnel or lower rectum and inflamed. The pressure that is the swelling is a local inflammation of the vein consequences, making it feel itchy and knock.

But today, there are various surgical and medical options for shrinking hemorrhoids, but there are also some natural and easy hemorrhoid treatment methods, try the one at home. So, ifAre you're one of those who suffer from this problem, can not get to embarrass you. There is no need to come on the state at a loss and at the end, to ignore him.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you may be wondering how you can shrink to find the relief effort. There are chances that it can cause, or to put keep your life, because the state be, can be very uncomfortable or painful. But fortunately there are shrinking some simple and natural effective ways toHemorrhoids, which you can follow.

Here are some important tips that you can help in shrinking hemorrhoids naturally and effectively are

1. Do not Use Toilet - One of the first and most important ways that you try to stop the situation is always a bad prevent toilet paper. This is because the simple process of wiping with toilet paper is too much friction, and friction, which can actually worsen the situation even further. In addition, to ensure that the toiletPaper or cloth, with which it is not perfumed, as the chemicals used can also aggravate hemorrhoids.

2. Apply Ice - Another important tip you must be sure, the simple use of ice. Applying ice to help reduce the blood flow in the hemorrhoids, which is shrinking as a further consequence. Additionally, you can apply whether or not ground or "shaved" ice two or three times daily for best results.

3. Applying Apple Cider Vinegar - This is another good way to cure hemorrhoids. This simpleHemorrhoid treatment process helps to shrink the tissue. All you need is to do, just to put cider vinegar on a cotton ball and then they turn on the field two to three times per day. Within a week you will notice that the hemorrhoids have shrunk, and you no longer symptomatic.

4. Bath Seat - Capture or sitz bath are still a good option. The way you need, is to take a sitz bath - first to fill a bathtub with warm water and then lower yourself into it.Ideally, make sure you do not too much pressure on the hemorrhoids. As a result sat quite unavoidable. Crouch also is sometimes a good option. However, please note that you try a sitz bath either in the morning instead of when you wake up or at night before going to bed, to the best results.

5. Simple Bath - Bathing two or three times a day for 15 minutes will help hemorrhoids to shrink tissue. It is simple and very affective method. Moreover, it is even morebetter when you bath go and then go to bed and stay in bed for a day, if you have the time.

Although most of the piles at their own healing in a week or two, but it is still a tendency to return unless something is done to prevent it. It is therefore very important to know how hemorrhoids shrink and the above tips are very effective and can be very useful.

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